I’m Bridget Koza, a London-based artist and student at Western University studying a major in Visual Arts and SASAH (School for Advanced Studies in the Arts and Humanities). In addition, I work as a Digital Media Designer with Western Technology Services at Western. While my work is focused on painting and printmaking, I explore all mediums including graphic design, animation, video design, sculpture and fashion design. My work reflects on my emotional journey battling anxiety, my experience as an athlete, and my deep connection with nature, to translate this indescribable feeling of floating. As an artist, I utilize patterns, textures, bold colours, stark contrast and altering perspectives to furth translate topics of anatomy and perfectionism.
Artist CV
The University of Western Ontario (Western), London, Ontario
Bachelor of Arts, Major in Arts and Humanities, Major in Art History and Studio Art,
Minor in Spanish
Western Technology Services, London, Ontario
Digital Media Designer – Full-Time Student
Western, Arts and Humanities Student Council, London, ON
Vice President Communications
Western, London, Ontario
RBC Design Thinking Program
2023 Solo exhibition, Cadences, Satellite Project Space, London ON
2022 Group performance, IMMEDIATE, Museum London, London ON
2022 Group exhibition, Square Foot Show, Westland Gallery, London ON
2022 Solo exhibition, Vitrine, ArtLab, London ON
2022 Group exhibition, Annual Juried Exhibition, ArtLab, London ON
2021 Group exhibition, Everyday Life, Satellite Project Space, London ON
Aeterna, Vol 2: Glamour, The Visual Art Supporters Association (VASA), featured artist
TWENTY FOUR/SEVEN, Iconoclast Collective, Layout Designer and artist
STARDUST, Iconoclast Collective, Layout Designer and Cover artist
Premier, Arts and Humanities Students’ Council, Layout Designer and artist
Purple Sex, Arts and Humanities Students’ Council, Layout Designer and artist
KINDRED, Iconoclast Collective, Layout Designer and artist
2022 Gray Creative Arts Award in Visual Arts, Western Visual Arts
2022 SASAH Global Opportunities Award, Western SASAH
2022 International Learning Award, Western International
2021 Mackie Cryderman Award for Excellence in Visual Arts, Western Visual Arts
2021/22 In-Course Scholarship (Year III, IV), Western University
2019 The Western Scholarship of Excellence, Western University
2017/18 Winner: Mark’d Art Competition, Mark’d